Violet: Sarawak GPS is making it difficult for SMEs to apply for BKSS 7.0 RM10000


Press Statement By Violet Yong:

Many of the SMEs business owners had received an email from the State Economic Planning Unit last week informing that the supporting documents submitted earlier are incomplete resulting the RM10,000 one off financial assistance under BKSS 7.0 unable to be credited into the business owners’ accounts.

The email received by the business owners from the State Economic Planning Unit is too general and it does not specifically state the problems that caused the unsuccessfulness of their applications. The state economic planning unit demands the business owners to re-submit the required documents before the 13th of November.

The GPS Government is creating uncessary hassle to the business owners when requesting them to re-submit the documents, and the government is just not sincere in giving the fund to assist the business owners.”

Besides that, there are two new requirements stated in the letter which include all documents must affix the company chop and the submission of payment receipt of LHDN Trading License Renewal.

Is the Sarawak GPS government sincere to help the businesses through BKSS 7.0? Why creats all these troubles for the business owners?”

Anyway, I will do my best to help all the business owners who are facing the difficulties in re-submitting the required documents stated in the letter given before the deadline to ensure that all of them can receive the BKSS 7.0 financial aid successfully.

I wish to stress that if the Sarawak GPS government is sincere in helping the SMEs, they can obtain all the required documents through the government database. There is no need to keep asking the eligible business owners to submit documents.

In the early announcement by the Sarawak Government, under the “Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 7.0 special financial grants”, the government will provide a one-off RM10,000 financial aid to all the SMEs that registered in Sarawak. The RM10,000 financial aid will be disbursed to business owners through 2 phases: the first phase RM5,000 and the second phase another RM5,000.

For those business owners who are having problems with re-submitting documents or don’t understand the requirements to re-submit the documents are welcome to contact me for assistance.

Violet Yong
ADUN for Pending