Motion passed in Parliament to declare assets is a pioneering achievement of PH Federal Government


DAP’s Pending Asssemblywoman YB Violet Yong stated, the approval of a special motion by Dewan Rakyat two days ago for all Members of Parliament (MP) to declare their assets is a pioneering achievement, which proves that the Pakatan Harapan Federal Government takes serious effort in combating corruption and their strong determination to go for reform.

Yong pointed out, when the Pakatan Harapan Federal Government took office last year, fellow ministers, their deputies and the Pakatan Harapan’s MP were requested to report to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and declare the assets that belonged to them and their spouses.

In view of this, Yong hoped that fellow Members of Parliament of the opposition party, especially the 19 members from the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), will also declare their assets as soon as possible and should not come up with many excuses to delay Pakatan Harapan Government’s initiative to push for a clean and transparent governance and administration.

“If the GPS’ MP had obtained their private assets by legal means, including their currently owned luxurious housing property, then they should be able to give full cooperation and submit their asset declaration within the shortest period of time. As the sayings goes ‘real gold does not afraid of the furnace fire’, she said.

In other words, if they do not proceed with their asset declaration, it simply means that the GPS MP’s transparency is to be questioned as they have kept things concealed.

As the DAP Sarawak Organizing Secretary, Yong also mentioned that according to Sarawak State MACC director Encik Razim Mohd Noor, his department had already handed over the asset declaration documents with complete guidelines and samples to the Chief Minister of Sarawak on how to submit asset declaration since mid-March this year.

Yong said, very unfortunately, the GPS Members of Parliament till today are still avoiding the matter and have yet to submit their asset declaration. This is indeed a very irresponsible act. The people should strictly condemn their inactions and should no longer give them further support.

Yong also pointed out that all Members of the Parliament, including the GPS Members of Parliament, should respect and obey the motion that was passed by the Parliament. Furthermore, the Members of Parliament are the lawmakers themselves and should be leading by example.

Any Member of Parliament who goes against the motion that was passed in the Parliament is seen as an act of contempt of Parliament and thus can be referred to the Committee of Privileges for action to be taken under Section 80A of the Standing Orders of the Dewan Rakyat.