It Is Time For Perikatan Nasional And Alliance To Table The Anti-Hopping Act


Press Statement By Brolin Nicholsion:

It is time for the current government led by the Perikatan Nasional to table a motion in parliament to end any detection of elected reps that can cause political instability.

By tabling the anti-hopping act in parliament, it can ends all the drama and to give the government less time to think about the majority support they have and focusing to the well being of the rakyat.

Since the announcement made by YDPA to allowed the parliament sitting during the emergency period, we have seen three elected reps defected to betrayed their parties and did not respect the electorate decision that have voted them.

A government that really cares about the well being of the people and the economy will put the matter as their priority and will less politicking in order to gain the public confidence.

It’s by tabling the anti-hopping act, we can stabilized our country’s politics and will gain the trust from the investors to invest in our country as political stability is a crucial prerequisite for the proper functioning of a parliamentary government.

It has been so many defections happened in the history of our country’s political scene since independent and unlike the United Kingdom where we do not see democratically elected representatives shifting their allegiance.

But the question now, is the current government have the guts to table the laws when they have a razor-thin majority in parliament.

Echoing a statement by the Malaysian Bar on 3rd August last year, Anti hopping laws are very much required in order to enhance political stability, public confidence in the democratic process, and respect for the decision made by the electorate. Therefore, now is the right time to table the laws in parliament.