In this era of technology, digitalization is no longer a want but a NEED —— Chong Chieng Jen


Media Statement By Chong Chieng Jen:

SK Sacred Heart (Semaba) kuching is now the first national primary school in Kuching equipped with smart TV for every class for teaching and learning by students in class.

Starting this year, my Stampin Service Centre has started the program to supply the national primary schools in my Stampin constituency with smart TV for every classroom to facilitate teaching and also to make learning more interesting for the students.

This program will continue into next year until all national primary schools are equipped with one smart TV every class.

This is in line with the government policy of digitalization of education.

In this era of technology, digitalization is no longer a want but a need. Therefore it is best that we start to expose our school children to such technology soonest possible at their tender age so that they will not be left behind.

I with also to thank the teachers to be a lever ready to take up the challenge of learning new method of teaching for the benefit of the students afterall, it is not easy to learn new tricks at as we grow older. They have gone beyond their scope of work but for the best of education for true students.

From SK sacred Hearts, other schools who would lie to apply for the supply of smart TVs for their classrooms are most welcomed to apply to my service Centre.
We will do our best to provide the best for our children’s education.