PKDM and MP Stampin to collaborate to hold Higher Education Fair on 26th June


Media Statement By Chong Chieng Jen: 

Today I am handing over a special grant to Persatuan Komuniti Dinamik Malaysia to assist them in organising an education fair on the 26th of June (Sunday).

Persatuan Komuniti Dinamik Malaysia is a non-government organisation that needs funding to organise various activities to benefit the community.

In conjunction with the release of SPM results at the end of June, this education fair could help students choose their further education pathway.

On Sunday, June 26th, 2022, Persatuan Komuniti Dinamik Malaysia will organise an education fair at Boulevard Shopping Mall, Kuching. 16 Higher Education Institutions and PTPTN will set up a consultation booth at the venue to assist students in understanding the course details and further education pathway.

I call on all SPM graduates and those who are seeking courses to study to visit the said education fair.