Violet met up EPU for BKSS7.0 SMEs applicants status update


Press Statement By Violet Yong:

Yesterday morning I attended a meeting with the  Sarawak Economic Planning Unit (EPU)  director Datu  Dr Muhammad Abdullah Zaidel and his team to receive the latest status regarding the Bantuan Khas Sarawakku Sayang 7.0 (BKSS 7.0) one-off special financial assistance aid for the SMEs. 

It was revealed in the meeting that as of to date, there are around 4000 eligible companies, both SMEs and Micro Businesses which have successfully received the BKSS7.0 financial aid. The EPU requires more time to  go through the tedious verification process of the remaining applications and targets to fully release the money to all successful applicants by March, 2022.   

The Director also furnished a detailed status updates of the list of companies which I had submitted to EPU three weeks ago.  

“Therefore, for those companies which had passed their details to me last month could contact me for the status information of their applications.”

In the meeting, I raised the issues about SMEs submitting wrong or incomplete documents and suggested that the state government do open up the application system once again in order to give another chance for those companies to update their documents so that they could equally benefit from the aid. 

EPU is receptive about the suggestion and will only make a decision after reviewing all the 12, 809 applications received in October last year whether to re-open the application website for that intent.