Kelvin:Kenyalang Post Office Will Put Up The Canopy For Public Convenience


Press Statement by YB Kelvin Yii:

POS Malaysia Sarawak will put up the tent at Kenyalang Post Office tomorrow for the convenience of public especially for those that has to queue due to social distancing rules.

Today, together with YB Violet Yong we paid a simple visit to the Kenyalang Post Office after receiving complaints from members of the public of the long queue here as well as the need to queue under the hot sun in order to get into the post office.

The long queue is due to social distancing rules and to make sure that there isn’t too big a crowd in the post office at one time.

Before this, there was a tent outside for those that need to queue outside but since Thursday that tent was removed.

I contacted and spoke to the Manager of Pos Malaysia Sarawak to better understand the issue. Before this they rented the tent and the rental has expired. But now they have given me the assurance that they are investing in their own tent and will put it up by tomorrow so that people have some protection against the sun or rain when they queue outside.

To address the issue of the long queue, hopefully once UTC resumes their services this Monday(15th June), the public will have more choices of counters and that will hopefully help with the queue.

I am grateful for the prompt response and concern shown by the team from Pos Malaysia and we will work together for the betterment of the people.