Kelvin was allowed to discharge , thanks to all the support and encouragement.


Statement by Kelvin Yii:

Yesterday the Health Department has informed me that my last 2 test came back negative(-ve) and thus i am allowed to be discharged back home. Even with the results, i will continue to practice self-isolation for extra precautions and continue to follow the advise of the Health Department throughout this time. I want to thank you for support and encouragement throughout this time

I have been quarantined for almost 7 days and throughout that period i feel well. So as per procedure they did 2 final test on me at the end of the week, one throat swab on Friday(20/3/2020)  and another on Saturday (21/3/2020) and did the PCR test for COVID-19. Since this 2 test has shown favorable results, then the doctors then made the informed decision to discharge me back home with precautions to be taken.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the healthcare professionals as well as front liners that has risked their lives on a daily basis to make sure that we are treated well and protected. From Day 1 all the healthcare professionals have been very helpful and professional throughout. 

Being quarantined in a hospital, i actually have the opportunity to see for myself the BEST OF HUMANITY displayed especially when i see the doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals, including the cleaners work so hard just to keep us safe, to care for us and also to protect the community at large.

Everyone of them are like you and i, they have a family at home that they are concern of, have to take care of and naturally also worry about their wellbeing.  Some of them are parents with little children at home. So they not only risk their own lives being in the front line, but also their the lives of their family from being exposed. Even with this difficulties,  yet their soldier on, come in day by day, keep working hard just to make sure that the rest of us can be safe.

So seeing them on a daily basis keeps me positive as i see the best of humanity being displayed on a daily basis. Let us continue to support them throughout this time.

We will also want to extend our prayers and support to all the other patients that some are still fighting and some recovering. I stand with you all and my prayers go out to all of them and their families throughout this tough time.