Kelvin Urge UTC To Implement Full SOPs For Public Safety


Press Statement by YB Kelvin Yii:

This morning together with Mr Julian Tan, we paid a visit to UTC and monitor the crowd and complaince to SOP during the opening and resuming of the services of federal agencies such as JPJ, JPN, and Immigration.

We spoke to the different staff of UTC and Head of JPJ at UTC to better understand the system that was implemented to control the flow of the crowd for the convenience of the public and to make sure safety SOPs are properly adhered to.

UTC has implemented a system to try to control the crowd that enters through a ‘numbering-system” where they only allow a certain number of people to enter the premises at a certain time. This was based on experience from the opening of other UTC and how they control crowds there especially during the first day of resuming services.

We have some concerns after initial observation so we also gave some feedback and suggestions on how to improve the flow especially to make sure safety SOPs and precautions are properly adhered to.

They responded positively and since today is first day, they will monitor the conditions and adapt to improve their services in the coming days.

I welcome the resumption of the services in UTC as it will provide more options and avenues for public to do settle their business thus reducing the queue in other places. I do hope they will still consider to extend their business operations beyond the current 5 pm especially to cater for after-work hours and also to clear the current backlog due to MCO.

We will continue to monitor and work together to make sure the services provided for the public will be better and more importantly everyone is safe and well protected.

We all play a part to curb the spread of the disease.