Frequent Flash Flood A Great Concern At Pending Industrial Estate


Press Statement By Julian Tan:

We would like to urge the Council of The City of Kuching South (MBKS) to urgently look into the deplorable condition of the drainage system around Pending Industrial Estate.

Flash flood has become a frequent occurrence in this area even with a quick downpour。 This is mainly due to the deplorable condition of the drainage system that is long overdue for maintenance. The state assemblywoman of Pending, YB Violet Yong Wui Wui has brought up the issue for the upcoming Sarawak state assembly sitting, seeking an answer on future planning on upgrading the decades-old drainage system in the said industrial estate.

For example, the drainage along Jalan Kilang. During a typical day, it is already almost filled up due to excess sediments and debris. This is due to a chronic lack of maintenance from the authorities such as MBKS and the Drainage and Irrigation Department (DID). Besides causing a flash flood, the stagnant water also becomes potential breeding sites for disease vectors. The authorities have yet to respond to an urgent request for clearing on the said drainage to date.

Blocked drainage obstructs the rainwater from flowing away quickly and efficiently, thus causes flood water to rise quickly. Rising floodwater is a paramount concern for warehouse operators. It can potentially damage the goods stored inside the warehouse and incurred business losses.

With the year-end raining season starting, MBKS and the relevant authorities should look into the matter with utmost urgency to ensure smooth business operations. The magnitude of rain we experienced yesterday is already causing much distress to some business operators. That’s only the start of the monsoon season. The level of rainfall is expected to increase in the coming months.

Most of the flash flood impact that we saw yesterday around Pending Industrial Estate can be mitigated. Both the authorities and the public should work together closely. The public needs to play its role by stop dumping their garbage, especially industrial waste, into drains. The related authorities should play their roles to prevent massive flash floods due to clogged drains and also to enforce the law on Illegal Dumping of Industrial Waste.

Julian Tan
Special Assistant to YB Chong Chieng Jen.