Media Statement By YB Chong Chieng Jen:
The latest DOSM report on the Malaysia’s export does not reflect well on the economic performance on Sarawak.
Out of the total export value of Malaysia of 141.3 billion for the month of August, 2022, Penang
recorded 17.1 billion, followed by Johor (RM14.7 billion), Selangor (RM4.7 billion), Sarawak (RM4.1
billion), Kuala Lumpur (RM2.2 billion).
There is nothing to shout about for Sarawak to be at the 4th position in terms of exports amongst the states in Malaysia, but everything for us to be worried and for the Government to think hard and plan.
As the State with the richest natural resources and constituting 1/3rd in land mass of Malaysia, Sarawak’s export in August was only 27% of Penang which is one of the smallest state in Malaysia, an Opposition State which has been suppressed by the Federal Government for the past 15 years except the 22 months when PH was in Government.
Though Sarawak is No.4 in terms of export amongst the states in Malaysia for the month of August, but if we take away exports of Liquefied Natural Gas, Petroleum and timber, which constitute the main bulk of our exports, what is the volume of our trade.
In other words, the SMEs and manufacturing sectors in Sarawak is way under-developed and ha all
these years been neglected by the State Government.
If GPS truly wishes to make Sarawak a developed state, the Government must first develop the SMEs
in Sarawak which include providing the proper incentives, facilities, land use and financial assistance.
Otherwise, Sarawak will continue to rely heavily on oil and gas which are depleting commodities.