Define what “public congested place” is for mandatory mask policy


Press Statement by YB Kelvin Yii:

With mandatory masking in congested places coming into effect on 1st August 2020, our team was on the ground to distribute free face mask to members of public and also raise awareness on the proposal and proper usage and also proper disposal of face mask.

As we approach 1st August 2020, the government really needs to clarify on certain matters to avoid confusion among public;

(1) Clearly DEFINING where this policy is enforced. What is ” congested public places” and how does it apply?

Better the communication, better the compliance. If not people may use the excuse of ” not congested place” to not wear their mask.

(2) Reducing the ceiling price to make it more affordable to all. Government should even look at providing free mask to high risk areas like schools and even distributing certified reusable mask to the B40 community

(3) Educate more on proper usage and also PROPER DISPOSAL of such mask. Educate on proper usage of reusable mask as well.

(4) Make sure stock is enough, especially for Medical Frontliners, and then general public.

(5) Strategise for proper implementation and enforcement. Effective ways to cut out on corruption especially during enforcement.

That is why proper definition of “congested place” is important. We do not want unscrupulous enforcers demanding for money even they are not suppose to be.

(6) Educational Enforcement Period to inform the public of such policy and also help them adapt to the new habbit.

Currently there is still alot of confusion on the ground and unclear and vague communications from the government on the policy is not helping…

I wear a mask not because i am fearful, but because i respect and honour your life as well…

Masking protects the community, not just you…

Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen
MP Bandar Kuching