Why is the GPS making things difficult for us, the common people of Sarawak.


Media Statement By YB Chong Chieng Jen:

When the GPS celebrates the devolution of power in the distribution of gas rights, the top leaders of SUPP were all full of praises.

The first disappointment came when after the devolution of power, there was absolutely no signs of any decrease in the prices of LPG. It begs the question why the devolution of power when the people gets no benefits whatsoever.

What we hoped for (decrease in price of LPG) didn’t materialize. Yet, to the contrary, everything got worst for the people.

After the gps government got control of the distribution rights, it wasted no time to terminate the rights of MyGaz to distribute, thus creating a monopoly right of distribution.

This is despite the warning against it by the DAP that the monopoly created by the State Government will be to the detriment of us, the common people of Sarawak.

In its haste to create the monopoly for Petros and totally cutting out MyGaz, now came the problem of huge shortage of gas tongs.

The much touted autonomy turned out to only benefit the few top elites close to GPS while us the common people of Sarawak suffer.

The jokers in SUPP tried to appease the wrath of the people by trying to provide service of gas tong replacement. Yet, it underestimated the magnitude of the problem. Many were turned back because when they brought their yellow tong to the rendezvous point for exchange, they were told that the SUPP has run out of red tongs. If even the government party runs out of gas tong, what more to say the common people on the street.

Ironically, this huge shortage of gas tongs problem was created by the greed of few in the name of autonomy, yet the creator of the problem tries to capitalize it for its political gains.

To resolve this problem, the government should get MyGaz back as one of the distributors and stop its monopoly agenda