DAP sending in second batch name list including approximately 3000 individuals from 611 families are applying for supplies of essential food


Statement by Chong Chieng Jen:

DAP Bandar Kuching and Stampin Service Centre have today delivered to the Sarawak Welfare Department, the second batches of applicants requesting for supply of essential food to be delivered to their respective houses. These applicants come from Kuching, Stampin, Puncak Borneo and Petrajaya.

They are those badly affected by the Movement Control Order (MCO), many of whom are from the poor families and are daily workers forced to lay off because of the MCO.

The first batch of applicants was sent in yesterday. In this second batch, there are 611 families applying, consisting approximately 3,000 individuals.

We the DAP members and volunteers could have delivered the essential food to their homes ourselves but for the announcement by the Minister of Defence prohibiting all NGOs from delivering food door to door.

We hope the Welfare Department will expedite the delivery of essential food items to these applicants as we are entering into the third week of MCO, which to many of these applicants means that they have been out of job for two weeks and entering third week of unemployment. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to help put food on their table.

We are continuing with our effort to help register the names, addresses and particulars of those in need of such service and shall forward daily batches of applicants to the Welfare Department.

We hope to work together to get through this difficult time of covid-19 pandemic.

Delivering the letter this afternoon was Julian Tan (ex-Stampin MP), together with him were Daphne Ting (DAPSY Kuching Chairman), Michael Kong Feng Nian and Sim Kiat Leng (both are YB Chong’s Special Assistants) and Leslie Ting (YB Kelvin Yii’s assistant).