Simplify the Vaccination Process to Expedite the Roll out


Press Statement By Chong Chieng Jen:

DAP Sarawak welcomes the announcement from Khairy Jamaluddin that Sarawak will be allocated 350,000 doses of vaccines per week starting June with 4.4 million doses by end of August. This would mean that Sarawak will be the first State to complete the national vaccination program in Malaysia and that Sarawak Government does not need to purchase vaccines on its own.

In order to achieve this target, the vaccination process and SOPs must be simplified and made more accessible to the people.

To achieve this target, DAP Sarawak urges the Government to adopt the proposals of the Federation of Private Medical Practitioners’ Associations, Malaysia which, in gist, are as follows:

  1. Distribute the vaccines to all private clinics and allow the private GPs to administer the vaccination at their respective clinics; and
  2. Allow walk-in vaccination without having to first register with MySejahtera and wait for the computer program to allocate the time and places for the vaccination.

Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman