Review VVIP escort protocol to protect safety and convenience of public


Media Statement by YB Kelvin Yii:

There has to be clearer and safer protocols when it comes to traffic control of VVIP escorts and entourage to ensure that the public are not put in danger just because they want to give priority lane to these VVIPs.

This of course is in view of the very unfortunate and an unneeded accident involving 2 cars that happened outside of HornBill Skyways allegedly involving the Chief Minister’s entourage.

The traffic police on duty should have done a better job of controlling traffic to ensure safety and more importantly to directly tend to the safety of the accident victims first before even allowing the VVIP entourage to continue passing.

We are fortunate that it only involves 2 cars and no one was seriously hurt. It also happened during non- peak hours if not it may have been worst or cause even more traffic congestion.

The least the VVIP could have done was to come out or get his protocol personnel to check on the situation and take the necessary information, show concern and then get it sorted.But in this incident, it’s truly shocking when every single car in the motorcade just drove off giving perception that the public’ safety is not a concern.

Such practices including SOPs and protocols for VVIP escorts must be reviewed and reform. This is also in view of recent incidents where emergency ambulance were even made to give way to these VVIP escourts even though it risk endangering the lives of those in the ambulance. Regardless of their status, the safety and security of those around them must also be a priority to not show a difference in class or double standard treatment of people.

On top of that, they must really remove that dangerous small exit at that road. it is too short a distance for cars coming from opposite direction to slow down to give way for any outgoing vehicles using that exit. I am sure it does not pass the needed safety requirements for the authorities.

Safety and security of all must be prioritised, and rhey should not allow such shortcuts to endanger the public at large.

Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen
MP Bandar Kuching