Provide more placement for Sarawakian teachers in Sarawak


Media Statement by YB Kelvin Yii:

The Ministry of Education(MOE) through the Education Service Commission(SPP) must provide more places and even quotas for recruitment of teachers especially Sarawakian teachers to properly resolve the teacher’s shortage issue in Sarawak.

This is in view of the recent report where a group of some 200 aspiring teachers were dismayed that their applications for teaching positions in the state during a recruitment drive last November were unsuccessful due to lack of quota for Sarawakians.

I find such “quota reasoning” unacceptable especially when there is a clear lack of teachers in Sarawak on top of the need to increase more local teachers in Sarawak.

Where is the Ministry’s commitment to fill teacher shortage in the state according to 90:10 policy that has been agreed for so long?

Based on recent reports, Sarawak itself lacks 1,840 primary school teachers and1,545 secondary school teachers. This is a serious lack, and that begs the question, why is there this quota in the first place if it hinders the issue being addressed?

If there are vacancies or placements  in Sarawak, Sarawakians must be given priority especially if these Sarawakians  meet the minimum Ministry of Education’s terms and conditions of service. That is why we are not asking for any compromise on the quality of the candidates, but for the quota to be relaxed to address the dire shortage of teachers for the sake of the school-going children in Sarawak.

Local teachers should be prioritise as they understands the local culture and sentiments better and in most cases stay longer term in Sarawak and are most willing to work in rural areas especially remote interior villages, unlike teachers posted from other States who will likely request for transfer back after awhile.

That is why,  any quota based rationale or excuses to sideline Sarawakians is purely discriminatory, bias and lack of sensitivity.

That is why i urge MOE to seriously prioritise Sarawakians who have gone through all Contract of Service 2021 teacher recruitment procedures and meet all necessary criterias for immediate placement to fill teacher shortage in Sarawak.

We do not want our children to suffer and left behind in their education just because there is insufficient teachers to educate and provide a quality learning environment for them.

Dr Kelvin Yii Lee Wuen
MP Bandar Kuching
DAPSY National Chief