Press Statement By Chong Chieng Jen:
The previous Movement Control Order (MCO), Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO), Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO) and the Enhanced Movement Control Order (EMCO) are measures that have proven to be effective in curbing the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic and flattening the curve.
Then why the Proclamation of Emergency?
The long-term economic impact of the Proclamation of Emergency will even be more damaging to the country’s economy than the previous MCO and CMCOs. It not only affect the short term economic activities but also the long-term decision making of the foreign investments.
While we support not calling for the State Elections during unless the vaccination program has achieved its full effect on the populace, the nationwide Proclamation of Emergency is definitely not the way to do it.
Given now that the Federal Government has proclaimed Emergency, that means all State powers will now be vested in the Federal Government except those religious and adat matters. This is also a
usurpation of the State power.
As GPS is part of the Federal Government, surely the Proclamation and the surrendering of State power is done with the Consent of the GPS Government.
In light of the Proclamation of Emergency, the State Government must take immediate steps to help the SMEs, micro traders and businesses in the State. I have previously called upon the State Government to dig into the State reserves to help the businesses in the state, but my call had fallen on death ears.
I will repeat my call to urge the Government to allocate from the State coffer and the State reserves, to help SMEs and businesses in the State. With the MCO and the Proclamation of Emergency, likely that the spread of Covid-19 will be substantially reduced, thus, the top priority of the Government now is to save businesses and save jobs.
Chong Chieng Jen
DAP Sarawak Chairman